IPC: esclusi dai Giochi di Parigi 2024 golf, karate, danza in carrozzina, danza in carrozzina e powerchair football

IPC: esclusi dai Giochi di Parigi 2024 golf, karate, danza in carrozzina, danza in carrozzina e powerchair football

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Nella riunione svoltasi a Madrid lo scorso 10 e 11 settembre, il Board IPC ha deciso che alcune discipline sportive non rientreranno nel programma gare dei GIochi di Parigi 2024 perchè non incontrano i requisiti richiesti per la partecipazione. Saranno 23 gli sport ammessi a Parigi, quelli già previsti ai prossimi Giochi di Tokyo 2020 insieme al CP Football. Per altri 5 sport, che avevano fatto richiesta, è arrivato lo stop:golf, karate, danza in carrozzina, danza in carrozzina e powerchair football per la mancata diffusione minima richiesta nelle aree geografiche mondiali. " Desideriamo mettere in scena a Parigi 2024 - ha commentato il Presidente IPC Andrew Parsons

“After reviewing all the applications it is clear that the level of competition to be included in the Paralympic programme is higher than ever before with all sports making progress since the last time we conducted this exercise four years ago for Tokyo 2020.

“We want the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games to showcase the best possible Para sports with the strongest global appeal. Following review of the further information we receive from international federations we will make our final decision on the number of sports and which sports are included in January once we have full agreement from the IOC and Paris 2024.”

The IPC's decision not to include Para bobsleigh in the Beijing 2022 Paralympics comes after the sport failed to meet one of the minimum requirements laid out by the IPC Governing Board in September 2016. When the IPC provisionally approved the sport for inclusion it said a minimum of 12 nations from at least three regions should be regularly participating in each of the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons. The sport has fallen short of this requirement.

“I know there will be a lot of disappointed athletes by this decision, but the truth of the matter is that bobsleigh, despite its ongoing development, has not fulfilled the criteria for inclusion in the Paralympic Winter Games,” said Parsons.

“We hope the sport will continue to develop over the coming years so that it is in a stronger position for inclusion in the 2026 Paralympic Winter Games sport programme.”

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